Sunday 20 February 2011

Head model

In order to produce my UV Map, I needed to find a fully modeled head to texture.  I could not find anything decent on creative crash that I did not need to pay hundreds of pounds/dollars for.  I did however search Google for various 3D Models that I could use and I came across a fairly decent one on as site called SimplyMaya.  Here it is....
This is the head that I shall be documenting the UV Mapping of step by step over the next posts.  I have already come across a useful video that I will use to guide me.  I will also be sure to look for other tutorials as well.

UV Mapping Tutorial from Pat Imrie on Vimeo.


  1. Thanks for posting my tutorial. Glad it was of use.

  2. You're welcome, yes it really helped develop my personal understanding of UV Mapping.
